
Map of Central Virginia Food Assistance Locations

Click the markers below for details about the food programs in Greater Orange County, Madison County and Fauquier County areas of Central Virgina.

Feed Them distribution dates and times are updated regularly on our Greater Spirit Ministries Facebook page.  

Feed Them Sign Up 

Sign up to be a distributor, recipient or supplier

    Can we text the phone number above?

    Choose one ...

    [group distributor clear_on_hide]

    Yes, please add me as a DISTRIBUTOR. My location can be used as a place to pick up food for the Feed Them program.


    [group recipient clear_on_hide]

    Yes, please add me as a RECIPIENT as I need food assistance and wish to be notified of pick-up locations.


    [group supplier clear_on_hide]

    Yes, please add me as a SUPPLIER. I have food to donate for the Feed Them program.


    Good communication


    Organizational and clerical


    Medical knowledge


    Customer service


    We are hiring expert doctors

    We are always available 24/7 everywhere you want an emergency helps.