Who We Are


Greater Spirit Ministries was founded in 2005 by Rev. Willie D. Crenshaw, Jr. to provide compassionate, life-essential, and uplifting programs to the general public.


Our mission is to serve the youth, women, men, and seniors with services that inspire and educate people to be greater. We believe that churches and other organizations just cannot service all people in their communities. We simply bring services (Technology training, food resiliency, and medical services) to the community and the less fortunate.


We are here to lift our community and enhance the lives of everyone to live greater.

Ministry Core Values

Our primary value is our relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. He is preeminent in our lives and our primary architect and cornerstone. Our values are based and principled in Him.

His Word

We value the word as the principle lead, source and final authority in this ministry. Hebrews 1:1-3
2nd Corinthians 10:5

His Kingdom

The operation of God’s government, dominion and rule functioning in and through His ambassadors. Genesis 1:26-28, Revelation 11:5

His Character

His spirit being the dominant flow in and through us. Galatians 5:22-23

His Integrity

This being the foundation as to how we operate and do business. We maintain that we and our word are one. Proverbs 19:1

His Ministry Gifts & People

We are the body corporately. Each one supplying a measure. We treasure those whom God has and will send into this ministry.
Ephesians 4:11, Romans 12:4-8, 1st Corinthians 12

His Presence & Anointing

Without the anointing we can do nothing. Ministry gifts and callings operate according to Gods divine anointing. Learning how to cultivate and follow His anointing is primary. Individually and corporately. Luke 4:18-19, Psalms 16:11

His Excellence

We will maintain and operate in excellence. Philippians 1:9-11

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